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Parcel #545


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Visit in Substrata: sub://substrata.info/?x=338.3&y=126.2&z=2
(Click or enter URL into location bar in Substrata client)

Owner: Sean

Writers: Sean


Dimensions: 3 m x 4.7 m (area: 14.0 m2), height: 5.3 m.

This is a small parcel in the market region. (e.g. a market stall)

Location: x: 338, y: 126 (360 m from the origin), -1 m above ground level

NFT status

This parcel has been minted as an Ethereum NFT.

View minting transaction on Etherscan

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Current auction

This parcel is not up for auction on this site.

Past auctions

923 days ago: Parcel sold.