Hillside parcels sold out

The first Substrata bike race
To celebrate the release of Luau scripting and games in Substrata, we are announcing the first Substrata bike race!
The prize is a new hillside Substrata land parcel and $100 USD.
* The race course is around the city, starting and ending at the finish line at sub://substrata.info/?x=236.6&y=589.0&z=1.67. You must pass through the four waypoints on the lap.
* You must drive the standard Substrata bike that is summoned with Ctrl+B.
* You must provide a video screen-recording of your whole race lap.
* The lap time used will be the client-side time shown in the "Finish! your time: xx" message.
* The entrant with the best (lowest) lap time submitted with a video screen recording at the end of the competition will win.
* Entrants must not cheat in any way. What constitutes cheating is up the sole discretion of Glare Technologies Limited.
* The final time to submit entries is midnight 25th July 2024 UTC.
* Entries (lap time and link to video) should be posted in the #competition channel of the Substrata discord (https://discord.gg/R6tfYn3) or emailed to contact@glaretechnologies.com.
The prize is $100 USD and a new hillside Substrata parcel (similar to parcel #1390).
Good luck and have fun!
EDIT: changed end date to 25th July.
Lua scripting coming to Substrata
Hi all,
Lua scripting is being added to Substrata. This will allow games, for example a bike racing course with timing and a leaderboard, or chess, or even a paintball shooter.
It will also allow interfacing with the rest of the interenet via HTTP requests sent from scripts - making stuff like realtime stock or crypto prices displayed in-world possible.
We are making good progress on this, expect the initial build with scripting to be available soon!

Substrata 1.2.20 Released
Substrata 1.2.20 is now available.
This release adds Text object support, allowing you to quickly add some text to your builds.
We have also added a chat widget, that works in both the native/desktop client and the web client:
The webclient has been updated to 1.2.20 as well.
New Hillside district
The new Hillside district has been created, and land parcels from it are available for sale!
This has been a long time in the making. I actually had to implement a complete terrain and water system for this. And to get realistic terrain I implemented a full erosion simulation😅
These new land parcels are available for purchase via auction on the Substrata website: substrata.info/parcel_auction_list. There will be 1 hillside parcel available at a time. It's a reducing-price / clock auction. Minimum reserve/price is 100 EUR.
Why should you buy a parcel? To have the snazziest and best view in the metaverse, and to support the development of Substrata! 🙇

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